SD-Sessions-- Volume 2002

Saturday, December 28, 2002


Just heard on a SD TV station news that some SD legislator is proposing that SD have its own army or some such nonsense in the attempt to generate support for the idea that Bushsub2 is a war president. But, with a peculiar SD slant of course. At one time, SD had so many Minute Men missiles that had the state ceceded from the US, it would have been something like the third most powerful nuclear power in the world. A dubious distinction of course, but I suppose some SD legislator is suffering from missile envy now and thinks having a SD army implies that such lunatic legislators are also more significant...or even relevant in the real world. Perhaps they will combine it with legislation to make blue sky with puffy cumulus clouds THE OFFICIAL SOUTH DAKOTA SKY. That would be almost as much a vote getter as was legislation to have a state topsoil or pastry delight. No limit on dumb with SD Republicans in control of the Governor's office and the legislature. ---------- Doug WIken.........Stay tuned for more on the upcoming legislative session. Janklow is gone from the legislative manipulation front, but the remains of his wonderful plans gone terribly awry are here with budget deficits and "money-making" ideas generating next to nothing..
